Why are your employees leaving?

Employees have different drivers that make them stay within a company. According to the Job Characteristics Model there are five core job characteristics that will lead to an employee experiencing high internal work motivation, job satisfaction and high work effectiveness.
When an employee experiences these outcomes in their job, they are more likely to stay within an organisation for a longer amount of time.
1. Skill variety.
This refers to the amount of different tasks that the employee will complete on a day to day basis.
The more different tasks an employee will complete, the more their mind is working and the more they are able to use a variety of their skills.
2. Task identity.
This refers to the degree to which the employee will complete the job from start to finish with a visible outcome.
Employees will find more meaning and value in their job when they are able to see the outcome of their hard work.
3. Task significance.
This is the whether their job has substantial impact on the lives of other people.
To employees, a task has more meaning if it has a greater impact on the lives of other people.
4. Autonomy.
This refers to the degree of which the job provides freedom and independence from managerial supervision.
Jobs with higher autonomy create the feeling of higher responsibility for the outcome of the work.
5. Feedback.
This is the amount of information given to employees on their performance.
When employees receive high amounts of feedback on their job performance they learn the actual results of their work activities, and are more likely to stay within an organisation due to the self esteem boost.
If a job features all of these five factors the employees are more likely to experience higher motivation, satisfaction and feel more valued to the organisation. This will ultimately make them stay longer within the organisation.
(Hackman and Oldham, 1980)