Interview Tips for Millennials

You may have the perfect Resume, but if you don’t present well at an interview, you might not receive that job offer you are looking for! As a millennial, one of the biggest places we go wrong with our career is the interview stage! It’s something most of us don’t have a lot of experience with.
So how can you present yourself in the best light at interview?
Presentation is key! The way you are dressed is the first impression you will make at an interview! Ensure that you are presented neatly and dress corporately with a Blazer or Jacket.
Do your homework and show you are interested. Research the firm before attending the interview and demonstrate to them why you are interested! It might be their training programs, their clients, or the firms size. Be sure to leave the interview by telling the employer you are interested in the position and thank them for the opportunity to meet with them.
Sell Yourself. When a potential employer asks you about yourself, they don’t just mean your industry experience. This is your opportunity to tell them your hobbies, show your personality and demonstrate what you do outside of work.
Communicate Clearly. Practice answering some common interview questions before you go to your interview. Make sure you know how to clearly describe your previous experience and always elaborate on your answers. Most importantly know how you will respond when the interviewers ask the golden question, “why are you leaving your current role?”
Ask Questions! Always go into the interview with at least 2 questions to ask your potential employer. Ask one about the role and one about the firm itself.
Stalk your own socials! If all goes well in the interview, your potential employer will definitely look to your social media to get the full picture. Make a professional LinkedIn profile where employers can connect with you. Stalk your own social media platforms and ensure there are no embarrassing photos that will unravel that professional picture you presented them with in interview.
Finally, Follow Up! After your interview be sure to follow up with a call or email to express your interest in the role once again!